Mid Week Challenge!

On Wednesday, AKA..mid week…

Why not program a mid week challenge?

Don’t miss out on this one.

30 Minute AMRAP of the following movements…

  • 500 meters cardio choice (bike is 1000 meters and the run is around the block)
  • 40 total step ups
  • 30 Moutain climbers or 30 yard crawl
  • 20 swings
  • 10 Burpees, squat thusts, slams or slege hits

Go out and and attack this!

Have some fun with it and enjoy your Wednesday!

Don’t forget to register for our next event…

The Deep Sand 2 mile Dash! 

Hero Events is teamed up with Belmar Lifeguards for this worth while event.

All proceeds will to the Run withVeronica Fund for Pediatric Cancer.


Have a great Wednesday!