Mini Conditioning Challenges on Thursday!

Let’s start with a nice warm-up to get the heart rate up and the body ready to work!

Our Warm-Ups Include a variation of Kettlebell or Bodyweight exercises.  Typically, they will have components of the workout within the Warm Up!

Here’s an example of what you might see in the Warm-Up… we usually do 2 rounds:

  • hinges, deadlifts, hips bridges, supermans, cleans
  • squats, lunges, lizzard poses, lunging with twists
  • overhead presses or push ups
  • rings rows or 1 arm rows
  • jumping jacks or jog in place
  • bicycles, mountain climbers, deadbugs

Your Mini Challenge Workout will be 3 x 10 Minute Sets!  Each set has 3 exercise components!

You can write them down in advance or take a screen shot of the exercises as we explain the workout tomorrow!

Here are your  Mini Challenges:

Challenge #1

  •  10 High Pulls or Jump Pull 
  • 10 Half Burpees or Knee Tucks (half burpees with sliders are nice low impact)
  • 100 Jump Rope, 50 Jumping Jacks, or 10 cals

Challenge #2

  • 10 Box or chair step-ups 
  • 10 knees to chest 
  • 50 low steps, knee slaps, but kickers, or 10 cals

Challenge #3

  • 10/10 mt. climbers or 10yd crawl
  • 10/10 twists or 10 sit throughs or 10/10 windshield wipers (side bends)
  • 10 sq thrusts, 100JR, 50JJ’s, 50 low steps, or 10cals

Enjoy your Day!

Here is the link for 7am Thursday: