The Monday Mix Up
The Training Room Monday mix up will be a well balanced combination of both stationary strength circuit with longish cardio, kettlebell sport or body weight conditioning sets.
Here’s to a repeat of the last 4 weeks of workouts!
Let’s get after it!
This will be fun!
There will be NO evening classes Monday night.
Tuesday’s training session will be at 8 AM ONLY (No other classes on July 4)
Here’s part one (strength)
20 Minutes of this kettlebell OR body weight strength circuit
- 10 swings, or deadlift
- 10 Push-ups
- 10 cleans
- 10 high pulls, or superman’s
- 10 press or shoulder taps
- 10 squat choice
- 10 rows, or 5 Pull-ups
- 10 ab choice
The Finisher
Pick ANY cardio, kettlebell sport or body weight calisthenic option and do the following intervals…
Options can be any of the following…
- Bike
- Row
- Ski
- Run
- Jump rope
- Jumping jacks
- Squat thrusts
- Skaters
- Step ups
- Burpees
- Mace swings
- Sledge hits
- Long cycle
- Snatches
- Cleans
- Jerks
Here are the intervals
- 1 minute work/ 50 seconds rest
- 1 minute work / 40 seconds rest
- 1 minute work / 30 seconds rest
- 1 minute work / 20 seconds rest
- 1 minute work / 10 seconds rest
- 1 minute work….DONE!
Have a healthy and safe remainder of the weekend!
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