Non-Conversational Paced Conditioning

Wednesday we’ll be doing a Training Room classic “non-conversational paced” conditioning session.

Should be difficult to carry on a conversation during this one.

20 Minutes of action… but first you’ll have a longish warm up to get you prepped.

Here’s an example of a warm-up you may see…

We will warm up with a kettlebell and body weight conditioning warm up for 3 rounds.

FYI, this is a great one from home (if you cannot get to the gym)

Rounds (1 & 2) 20 seconds work/20 seconds light movement of the following

  • Kettlebell DL or Swing
  • body weight squats
  • push ups
  • kettlebell high pulls
  • press or squat press
  • goblet squat
  • Jumping jacks
  • bicycles

Round 3): 20 seconds  at each non-stop (kick it UP a notch!)

  • Drop squats
  • half burpees
  • kettlebell snatch,  or high pull.
  • mountain climbers
  • 2 handed kettlebell swings or cleans
  • jumping jacks
  • bicycles or mountain climbers

Today’s conditioning will be done on the 2 minute mark for 10 rounds (20 minutes)

Do the following movements:

  • Burpee 5 (squat thusts, modified burpee or slam substitute)
  • Kettlebell snatch 5/5 or clean 5/5
  • Mountain climbers 15
  • kettlebell swings 20 or  body weight squat can be an option here.
  • Advanced do 25 Jumping jacks

Example:  If you finish all of this in 1:30, you will have 30 seconds before you have to start again.

Keep on showing up and crushing your health and fitness goals!

Let’s GO!