Here’s a good one to deload yourself.
We’ll give you few options from beginner to advanced.
Get warmed up:
First, 5 minutes of joint mobility.
Then warm up: 2 rounds. 10 reps, then 8 reps
- 10 hindu squats/ second round 8 deck squats (optional)
- 10 push ups/8 hindu push ups
- 10 ring rows/ or pull ups
- 10 jumping jacks
- 10 bicycles/ 8 v-sits
Body weight circuit 10 sets or 10:
- Hindu squats, or deck squats
- Hindu push ups, modified, or up downs
- Swing set, Power Wheel or USA hamstring curls
- Pull ups, modified pull ups or ring rows
- V-sits, hanging knee raises or knees to chest
Add a weighted vest for more intensity.
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