Happy Hot Saturday!

Here’s what we did today.

BTW, this is one of our most efficient and favorite kettlebell workouts and is also a great one to do with a large group of people.

Kettlebell and Body Weight Cardio Triplets

2 rounds of each triplet.

20 second intervals at each movement for 3 rounds non-stop, so this will be a total of 3 minutes of work.

Rest for 1:30 before moving to the next triplet.

Do 2 rounds of each triplet

Triplet 1:

  • kettlebell snatch right
  • kettlebell snatch left
  • mountain climbers or sledge hammer

Triplet 2

  • kettlebell high pull
  • kettlebell thruster (goblet style)
  • jumping jacks or jump rope

Triplet 3

  • drop squat
  • half burpee
  • v sit

Have and awesome weekend!!