Good morning fitness fanatics!

Today is challenge day.

We did this one several weeks ago an it got a lot of great feedback on it.

This 20 minute challenge can be done with a partner or solo and requires only two kettlebells or dumbells.

Partners will start at the same time.

Partner 1 will run, partner 2 will carry 2 kettlebells. They will start heading around the block.

As soon as partner 1 catches partner 2,  partner 2 will hand the bells to partner 1.

They will repeat this for 20 minutes.

Solo will carry the bells half way around the block , put then down, and then run around the block until they reach the bells again.

Repeat this as many times as you can in 20 minutes.

If you are training with us today and feel like rowing, you will farmer walk half way around the building, cut through the gym, get on the rower, row 250 meters then get back to your bells and repeat for 20 minutes.

How many rounds did you get and what did you carry?

Have a blast.