Quick Strength Intervals for Tuesday

Tuesday is a strength focus and we’ve got some quick strength intervals lined up at The Training Room!

Keeping things clean and crisp with 15 second intervals couplet style.

Have you registered for the FIT 25 Challenge yet?

Go here to get on the list!

If you are on the list but have NOT yet signed up, please do so ASAP.

Here’s the deal for Tuesday…

15/15 x 10 sets total that will be split up into 2 rounds of couplets 1 and 2.

We’ll take a 2 minute rest between each couplet.

Couplet 1 (5 rounds)

  • Ring row
  • Push-ups

Rest 2 minutes

Couplet 2 (5 rounds)

  • Snatch or clean (right)
  • Snatch or clean (left)

Rest for 2 minutes

Couplet 3

  • Cardio
  • Abs

Rest 2 minutes and repeat the cycle!

Have an amazing Tuesday in and out of the gym!