Saturday’s Workout is Conditioning Couplets…

with lots of opportunity to improve your speed!

Set the clock for a 20 seconds work /10 seconds rest x 10 rounds (5 minutes)

Let’s see how many reps you can get in each 20 second interval with maintaining good technique… sometimes it’s good to slow things down and work on strength and other times it good to move a little faster!

Couplet #1:

  • 1. Jump or high pull 
  • Mt. Or Crawl

Couplet # 2

  • air squat or drop 
  • 1/2 burps

Couplet #3

  • Skaters
  • inertia wave

Couplet # 4.

  • Sq thrusts
  • JR or JJ

Couplet #5.

  • Bike (x 4 sets)
  • ski (x 4 sets)

That’s all for today!  Have a GREAT weekend!