Saturday’s Strength

Deck of Cards Strength

Training Room Family!

Our Thanksgiving Day Training Room Triathalon is THIS Thursday!  It is a Solo or Partner 12 Minute MAX Calories Row, Bike and Ski…  MILKMAN has all the details!

We are also going to be collecting Thanksgiving Food Donations for Fulfill of Monmouth and Ocean Counties.  Feel free to leave any non-perishable items at either Avon or Manasquan Locations.  There will be a drop off sign posted on Monday!

Saturday is our classic Deck of Cards STRENGTH! 

Each suit is a different exercise.  You will complete the number of reps pulled from a shuffled deck.  Face cards are 10 and Joker’s are Burpees or another calisthenic exercise.  THIS workout is always a memorable one!

Deck of Cards Strength

  • High Pulls or Cleans
  • Push Press
  • Squat
  • Ab Choice


Here’s a Strength Couplet video to watch at home anytime!