Happy Saturday

Start out with 5 minutes of joint mobility and two rounds of kettlebell warm up.  Make sure to reference the video library if you have any questions on this.

Today will be a strength/conditioning emphasis, but you will take minimal rest between movements.

Get as many rounds as you can in 25 minutes with a moderately heavy kettlebell.  Feel free to move up in weight as you go.

We’ll give you a few options as well.

Here’s the movement sequence:

  • One handed swings 5/5
  • 10 push ups, modified or hindu push ups
  • 5/5 kettlebell cleans or snatches
  • 5/5 presses, push presses or jerks
  • 5/5 racked or 10 goblet squats
  • 5/5 one arm rows
  • 5 walkouts or 10 suspended knees to chest (mix it up if you want)

Have a great Saturday!!

Let us know what weight bells you used and what options you chose.