It WILL be a great Thursday.

Make sure to listen to your body. If you’re not feeling the magic today and are banged up from yesterday, back off and pick it up tomorrow.

Yesterday’s workout left a bit of a mark.

I’m feeling the calves and shoulders today!

But, I will do this simple kettlebell workout today.

This can be done anywhere.

15 seconds work/15 seconds rest for 10 minutes.

This will be a total of 20 sets.

Keep your reps the same through out the entire 10 minute set.

For example, if you are performing 8 reps per 15 second set, you will do that the entire time.

If you can maintain 8 reps per set, you will do a total of 160 snatches in 10 minutes.

That’s pretty excellent!

  • Snatches 15 seconds work/15 seconds rest for 10 minutes

Rest 1 minute

  • Jerks or push presses 15 second work/15 seconds rest for 10 minutes

Rest 1 minute

Ab finisher!

15 seconds work/15 seconds rest for 4 rounds

  • toe touch
  • v-sit
  • Russian twist

What kettlebell do you use, and what was your reps scheme on the snatches and jerks/push presses??

We want to know!

Here are some scenes from yesterday’s 9am class!