Here’s something to change it up a little.

Everyone seems to enjoy this one.

There are a few options at each station.  We threw a few surprises in today.

Again, you control the intensity of this workout by modifying the movement, in this case, there is not much movement.

Static Holds

40 seconds work/20 seconds rest through the static circuit.

One minute rest between rounds.

5 rounds of this:

  • Static Pull up or ring row holds
  • Goblet squat holds (you can hold a kb,mb,db or any other weight of choice)
  • Walkout or Plank holds
  • Superman or back extension holds
  • Hands stands,walking kettlebell/dumbell holds,slosh pipe,or keg overhead holds.

I should have some vids and pics up later.

Please feel free to leave comments of questions below.

We want to make this site an open forum for communication.


Today was nice group!

The Milkman was practicing his handstand walks and few took on the keg and slosh pipe.