Happy Tuesday!
It looks like the we’ll be getting outside soon enough as the weather starts to shape up around here.
We’re excited to get back out into the court yard of crush and continue to kill it old school.
You’ll be seeing some cool new training from us, so make sure to stick around.
Today is static strength day.
Warm up with 5 minutes of joint mobility and a two round kettlebell warm up.
This workout has many options so that everyone can do it.
40 seconds work/20 seconds rest for 5 rounds
- Squat hold (body weight, med ball or kettlebell)
- Pull up or body weight row hold
- Superman or low back extension hold
- Over head walks with kettlebells or dumbells
- Plank, walkout or Power wheel walk
We’ll rest for one minute between rounds.
Choose whatever option you can do here.
Here’s a shot of The Milkman and I hanging out at our cert this past weekend.
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