Happy Friday!
Don’t forget about our party tomorrow.
This will be the 12th annual.
Not sure, but I think Tommy J has a lazor light show planned.
Let’s start off the day on the right foot.
Today we’ll be doing our static strength/stability workout.
Start with 5 minutes of joint mobility and then two rounds of kettlebell warm up.
Timed intervals will be 40/20, and we’ll be doing 5 rounds of this workout with a minute rest between rounds.
- Pull up(choose whatever grip you want) or ring row holds
- Squat holds (kettlebell, med ball or body weight)
- Overhead walks (elbows locked out) with dumbells or kettlebells
- low back or superman holds
- walkout,plank or power wheel walks(forward and back)
Any questions of comments, please leave below!
Have an awesome day and weekend!
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