Stationary Cardio Intervals

Happy conditioning focus Thursday. We will be focusing on stationary cardio intervals on this fine day!

In other words, you will be picking any 4 items to work on/with and completing the following intervals on each one.

Intervals will be:

  • 2 minutes work/1 minute rest
  • 1:30 work/45 seconds rest
  • 1 minute work/30 seconds rest
  • 30 seconds work/ rest 2 minutes and move on to something else

Some choices can be but aren’t limited to the following:

  • Row
  • Bike
  • Ski
  • Run
  • Versa Climb
  • Sled push or pull (or both)
  • Jump rope
  • Step ups
  • Squat thrusts or burpees
  • Kettlebell sport (clean, long cycle, jerk, or snatch)

Attack your Thursday!