Strength Supersets

These Strength Supersets are perfect to keep you give you strength and focus for the rest of the week.

Show up, get it done and enjoy the heck out of your day!

Sets 1 & 2: 30 seconds work / 20 seconds rest x 5 rounds (10 total sets)

Set #1

  1. Deadlifts or Heavy Swings
  2. Push Ups

Set #2

  1. Squats
  2. Rows

Sets 3 & 4: 30 sec work/ 20 sec rest x 4 rounds (8 total sets)

Set #3

  1. Bicep curls
  2. Tricep extension

Set #4

  1. Ab choice
  2. Cardio Choice

That’s a wrap for Tuesday!

Here’s a Strength Couplet video you can watch and workout with us at anytime: