Stronger today better tomorrow!
Everything you do inside the gym, makes everything outside the gym better
Building strength provides much more then JUST health benefits.
Strength isn’t JUST defined by muscle!
It makes you resilient and less fragile.
Strength builds mental toughness and confidence.
Being stronger makes lifes every day tasks easier.
Don’t regret being a stronger human.
There’s NO middle road!
You either have the time or make the time.
If you don’t make the time, you WILL make excuses.
Be better!
Lead by example…
For those of you with children, they are watching!
Let’s work hard, push each other, and get a little bit better and stronger today!
Here’s Thursday’s Strength session…
2 FIfteen Minute Strength Circuits
Circuit 1: BODY Weight (15 Minute AMRAP) 10-12 reps of each exercise
- ring rows
- 10 body weight, bench, or band or assited pistol squats
- push-up choice (regular, band assisted,hindu push ups,dips)
- 10 Med ball leg curl, suspended leg curl, hip bridge
Circuit 2: 15 minute AMRAP Weighted options (dumbbells, kettlebells, bands, med balls, mace etc)
- Kettlebell, dumbbell, or band: (5/5) rows or band pull aparts (20)
- 10 kettlebell, dumbbell, or band press
- kettlebell,dumbbell goblet, or band squat 10 reps
- 10 kettlebell, dumbbell, banded single leg dead or hip/split hinge
5 Minute AMRAP
- 25 JJ’s or 50 JR or 10 calories
- 10 med ball sit up
- 25 JJ’s or 50 JR or 10 calories
- 10,10 Twist or Bulgarian bag
- 25 JJs or 50 JR or 10 calories
- 10 Slam
Have a STRONG Tuesday!
FYI, Beers, Bells and Burpees this Friday in Avon at 6 PM.
There will be NO evening class at the Manasquan gym, and the the 5:30 PM class in Avon will be switched to 5 PM.
Come and compete, or just hang and watch.
Happy hour to follow!
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