six rounds of 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest
(Gym Boss) at each station before moving on to the next. Try to get as many reps as possible in the 20 second time period without sacrificing form, of coarse. Take 1:30 rest between each station. The lowest amount of reps that you get counts as your score for each exercise. On the bike or rower, you will use calories as reps. Keep track of the scores for each exercise and add up the total at the end for your “total score”. The next time you do this workout, you will try to beat your previous score. Got it?
Here are the stations.
- Jumping pull ups
- Wall ball or med ball thrusters
- Kettlebell high pull
- Slam Ball
- Kettlebell swings
- Rower/Bike or burpees.
Try 02 Gold one hour prior to this type of workout. 02 Gold will help the body to utilize it’s oxygen more efficiently. This supplement has made a nice impact on my training sessions.
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