In honor of the band 311, Senior RKC Will Williams posted this yesterday, 3/11 on DD forum.
This is exactly what I needed today after yesterday’s deadlifting fiasco. Here’s the deal:
All kettlebell movements done with 24kg kettelbell.
""The Hive"
11 Pull Ups. If you scoff at 11 reps, strap a KB on your foot. They shouldn’t be a joke to you.
20 Swings R
20 Jerks L
20 Jerks R
20 Swings L
10 Tsnatches R
10 Tsnatches L [111 reps]
Once you affirm that initial swing, you should only set the bell down when you have performed all 100 reps. Yes, you.
S&M Fast 100 Snatches
20 LR 15 LR 10 LR 5 LR [50 each arm, again, one set, and time yourself [211 reps]
Long, long have I been wanting to say this.
100 squat thrusts. Done in a time no more than one and one-half the time of your snatches. If you busted 100 snatches in 5:00, SQTH in under 7:30."
I completed the pull ups and kettlebell portion in 8:17(pretty much non-stop action), took about 1:30 rest, then went on to the 100 squat thrusts. Heart rate started kicking up by #60.
Total time: 15:12
Will, thanks for the challenge dude!
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