The Perimeter of LOVE
Who doesn’t LOVE a good perimeter?
Let’s walk the perimeter on Thursday at The Training Room!
Thursday seems like a great day to walk the perimeter, carry some things, and move our bodies appropriately!
Weather looks a little warm for Thursday, so make sure to hydrate.
The perimeter doesn’t discriminate between levels of fitness!
There will be an indoor option if it’s too hot for you!
If you can can walk, you can do this!
Even if you can’t walk, we will give you options as we always do.
Here’s what you will need to participate…
One set of kettlebells or dumbbells (pick weights that you can manage, but don’t be TOO easy on yourself).
This can even be done with one single kettlebell or dumbell.
Here’s a video from the archives that Jim and I shot ten years ago around The Training Room track showing a single kettlebell variation of “The Perimeter”
Check it out!
Here’s another from 9 years ago on the bike path in Manasquan.
Here is the sequence we will follow on Thursday!
Walking around the block and stopping at each spot!
Get as many laps as you can in thirty minutes.
- Overhead walk (right arm)
- 10 (5/5) cleans or deadlift or swings
- OH walk/carry (left arm)
- 10 press (5/5)
- Racked walk/carry
- 10 (5/5) split squats
- Racked walk/carry
- 10 (5/5) rows
- Farmers walk/carry
- 10 shoulder taps or 5 walkouts
- Farmers walk/carry
- 10 knee ups (abs) or around the world
Have a blast with this one.
Don’t forget to register for our upcoming event…
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