Hope your weekend was as great as ours!

The Milkman and I  headed out yesterday for a little snow shoeing with Tommy J.

This was my first trip on snow shoes and it was pretty cool.  I would almost compare it to running in the sand.

Since the weather here has been cold, and there is still ton of snow on the ground, trips like this make getting through the winter a lot easier for us.

Not to mention you get to hang with your pals and dream up cool stuff  that we can do at The Training Room.

We come up with some of our best ideas during our Gym Culture Field trips.

Stay tuned!

Here’s a great conditioning workout to kick off your week right!

We’ll start out with a two round kettlebell and body weight warm up:

  • 10 swings
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 high pulls
  • 5 presses
  • 5 squats
  • 5 thrusters
  • 5/5 one arm rows
  • 15 jumping jacks
  • 15 bicycles

Round 2 warm up:

  • one handed swings 4/4
  • 8 half burpees
  • 4/4 cleans
  • 4/4 push presses
  • 4/4 snatches
  • 15 jumping jacks
  • 15 mountain climbers

Here’s the workout. You will go though this 2 times

Here’s the workout: 20 second intervals for 3 minutes non-stop at each triplet.

We will repeat each triplet 2 times with one minute rest between them.

Triplet 1: 3 rounds non stop of 20 second intervals

  • Kettlebell snatch r
  • Kettlebell snatch l
  • mountain climbers

Rest on minute!

Triplet 2:

  • Kettlebell high pull
  • Kettlebell thruster
  • Jumping jacks or jump rope

Rest one minute!

Triplet 3

  • Drop squat
  • Half burpees
  • v sit, bicycles

Rest 1 minute!

Repeat everything again.

Here’s some footage of yesterdays snow shoe excursion.

Get some snow shoes and come with us next time!!