The town has cleared a bunch of snow away and it looks like things are getting back to normal.

Apparently we can now park on Main Street.

So, the gym will be opened normal morning hours.

We will be NO 5pm class!!!

Today we’ll be hitting up a nice conditioning circuit before we kick off the new year.

Start out with some joint mobility and a two round circuit warm up.

The circuit will consist of 6  body weight movements.

You will perform 30 seconds of work with 30 seconds rest non stop for 30 minutes.

This will be a total of 5 rounds.

  • Jumping or kipping pull ups
  • Mountain climbers
  • Drop squats, stat jumps or box jumps
  • 1/2 burpees
  • jump rope, jumping jacks or sprint in place
  • Russian twist ( body weight or med ball)

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Happy New Year!

We look forward to making 2011 the best year of training yet.