This is one of our favorite kettlebell and body weight conditioning workouts.
This is one you can do anywhere with one kettlebell.
Make sure to do your kettlebell and body weight warm up, practice the movements you will be doing in this workout.
Here’s a sample warm up: 2 rounds with one kettlebell
- 10 swings
- 10 push ups
- 10 high pulls
- 5 press
- 5 goblet squat
- 5 thruster
- 5/5 one arm row
- 15 jumping jacks
- 15 bicycles
Round 2 warm up:
- one handed swings 4/4
- half burpees 8
- high pulls 8
- mountain climbers 8
- snatches 4/4
- one arm row 4/4
- 15 jumping jacks
- 15 bicycles
Here’s the workout: 20 second intervals for 3 minutes non-stop at each triplet.
We will repeat each triplet 2 times with one minute rest between them.
Triplet 1: 3 rounds non stop of 20 second intervals
- Kettlebell snatch r
- Kettlebell snatch l
- mountain climbers
Rest on minute!
Triplet 2:
- Kettlebell high pull
- Kettlebell thruster
- Jumping jacks or jump rope
Rest one minute!
Triplet 3
- Drop squat
- Half burpees
- v sit, bicycles
Rest 1 minute!
Repeat everything again.
Here’s the Milkman demo plus a few advanced options!
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