Trained with the group today in the Milkman's class.

This was a great change for me since I usually train solo.  The group dynamic gives great energy and motivation.

Kettlebell and Body Weight Quadruplets

6 rounds of 15 seconds work/15 seconds rest of 2 stations

  • Kettlebell snatches R
  • Kettlebell snatches L
  • Push ups
  • hanging knee raises

Keeping the reps as follows, 7/7 snatches,8-9 psuh ups, 7 hanging knee raises.

Station 2: ( 15 lib weighted shorts)

  • kettlebell split squats R
  • Kettlebell split squats L
  • Pull ups
  • Mountain climbers

Keeping the reps: 7/7 split squats,8 pull ups, I didn't count the mountain climbers.

Windmill beach