Great workout today!
I got to take my time for once and get in a nice strength workout.
I did our workout of the day and worked up to some heavy pull ups and presses.
10-1 reps working up in weight (weight listed next to movement)
- kettlebell cleans r/l set
- kettlebell jerkd r/l
- kettlebell split squats r/l
- weighted pull ups
I used a 24kg for sets 10 and 9 on the kb movements
I moved up to a 32kg for sets 8-4 and worked up to the 40 kg
Pull ups looked like this:
25 lbs for 10 reps
30 lbs for 9 reps
16kg's for 8
20 kg's for 7
24 kg's for 6
28 kg's for 5
32 kg's for 4
36 kg's for 3
40 kg's for 2
44 kg's for 1
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