Get primal!
Let’s deload today and hit some body weight stuff from all angles.
We will give you a few options on this one today.
Use your imagination and try to come up with your own variations.
If you come up with something cool, let us know about it.
We’re always looking to learn some new stuff.
Try some things you don’t normally do.
Warm up with 5 minutes of joint mobility and two rounds of body weight circuit.
- 10 squats
- 10 push ups
- 10 rows
- 5/5 assisted pistols
- 5 down dog press
- 15 bicycles
- 15 jumping jacks
Do a second round of this but with 8 reps followed by 15 bicycles and 15 jumping jacks.
Body Weight 5-10×5
Do 5-10 reps for 5 rounds with a partner or circuit through solo of the following:
- Pistols or assisted pistols r/l
- down dog press or hand stand press or even ring push ups
- Suspended hamstring curl
- rope climb, modified rope climb or peg board climb (if you don’t have any of the following, do pull ups or ring rows). You can even try some monkey bar climbing.
- walkouts,power wheel rollouts,suspended knees to chest or skin-the-cats
Enjoy this fun body weight workout!
Let us know how you did!!
Here’s The Milkman showing a modified version of this workout.
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