This week we are repeating our last 4 Week Training Cycle.  The goal is to try to improve either in times, reps, strength or overall feeling of a successful training session!  As always it’s important not to be attached to any one workout or training day as energy levels vary each day for everyone.  As you look at the big picture you should see your strength, stamina and mobility improving over time.  If you notice something is off or you’ve hit a plateau let us know and we will adjust the workout for you!

Tuesday is Conditioning Day

Thirty seconds of work with fifteen seconds of rest for 4 rounds of each couplet (4 minutes total)

We will rest for 1:30 between each 4 round couplet.

Couplet 1: 4 rounds of 30/15

  • jump-pulls or high-pulls
  • Bike sprints

Couplet 2: 4 rounds of 30/15

  • rower
  • wall ball or squat press

Couplet 3: 4 rounds of 30/15

  • Run, Jump rope or jumping jacks
  • bullwhip, slam, or sledge hits, mace swings, jump-less jump rope


Have a great Tuesday!