Twelve MInute Strength Couplets
Friday is a strength day, so we will be slowing things down a bit from yesterday’s Training Room conditioning circuit with twelve minute strength couplets.
This one is meant to be done a slower pace and feel free to go as heavy as you want with focus on the movement.
Just like most of our strength sessions at The Training Room, we will finish with a cardio kicker to kick off your Friday!
Ladder up and repeat for 12 minutes
Go from 1-5, or 2-10 reps (depending on the movement and the amount of weight used)
12 minute strength couplets
Couplet 1 (option 1)
- Clean and press left arm (these can be done with a kettlebell, landmine or a dumbbell)
- Right arm clean press
Couplet 1 (option 2)
- Push-ups
- Pull-ups or ring rows
Couplet 2
- Goblet squats
- Ab choice
Cardio Kicker
Go through this once laddering from 10-2 (10,8,6,4,2)
- row (calories)
- bike (calories)
- ski (calories)
- step ups or reverse lunge (10/10.8/8,6/6,4/4,2/2)
- Bulgarian bag or Russian twists (10/10.8/8,6/6,4/4,2/2)
Beers and Bells will be on Friday, July 22 at the Avon gym.
Start time is 6 PM.
Come and compete, or just for the happy hour afterwards.
Have a great weekend!
Here’s an example of some things you can do with the landmine if you want to try something different.
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