At CrossFit Jersey Shore, every day is Valentine's Day!

Can't you feel the love?

3 Minute Triplets!

Do each movement for 20 seconds. (20w,20w,20w) non-stop.

Go through each triplet for 3 minutes.

Rest for 1:30

Move on to the next triplet

Do 2 rounds of each triplet

Triplet 1
  • jumping pull ups
  • thrusters 
  • slamball 

 Triplet 2 

  • kettlebell swings
  • burpees 
  • jumping jacks 

Triplet 3 

  • Kettlebell snatch R
  • Kettlebell snatch L 
  • mountain climbers 
ALS Polar Plunge today! We're jumping into the cold Atlantic!

Stay tuned for video!
