Happy St Paddy’s’ Day!
This one was challenging last time, and today will be a great day to take the Prowler outside.
We’re expecting a few nice days here, so we will be taking advantage of that.
We’ll start out with 5 minutes of joint mobility and a 2 round circuit warm up.
Warm up will look like this: 20 work/20 rest for 2 rounds
- Ring rows
- Air squats or drop squats
- Push ups or half burpees
- kettlebell swings
- bicycles or mountain climbers
- Jumping jacks
- med ball thrusters
We’ll be doing a 40-20 conditioning circuit today.
5 rounds of 40 seconds work/ 20 seconds rest.
One minute rest between rounds.
- Kettlebell high pulls
- Battling ropes or mountain climbers
- Drop squats or box jumps
- Dumbell or kettlebell push press
- Shuttle run or prowler push
How did you do?
Was this easier then last time?
Give us some feedback.
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