The Training Room 450 Challenge!
Start with 5 minutes of head to toe joint mobility.
Do a kettlebell and body weight warm up:
2 rounds
- Kettlebell swings 10
- push ups 10
- kettlebell high pulls 10
- squat thrusts 10
- kettlebell thrusters 5
- one arm rows 5/5
- 15 jumping jacks
- 15 bicylces
Try this one this weekend and report back!
Go through the following kettlebell and body weight movements as fast as possible using good form.
50 or 40 reps of each in this order:
- Box jumps, squat drops, or drop squats
- mountain climbers
- kettlebell swings
- 1/2 burpees
- walking lunges
- v sits or bicycles
- kettlebell high pulls
- Row 50 cals, or Jump rope: 50 double unders or 100 rope skips
- squat thrusts
Let us know how you did.
Have a great weekend!
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