Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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Another Great Day

It’s another great day here at the Jersey Shore, a great day to train!  With the weather agreeing with us again, make sure to get outside a some point today. Today’s Training 800 m row or run40 kettlebell swings20 pull ups400 m row/run30 swings15 pull...

"The Olympic Lifts"

After going to the Olympic Lifting workshop at CrossFit Philly two weekends ago, I decided to practice my new skills.  It was such a nice day on Thursday, so I put the kettlebells down and took the bumpers and the bar outside and gave it a go.  Greg Mihovich...

Rest Day?

Well, for some of us it might have been a rest day.  But, the rest of us did this: Four rounds work/rest looked like this: 30/30 30/25 30/20 30/15 Of this: KB swings jumping dips sandbag highpull burpees Bull whip db pushpress slamball rope climb...

"Fight Gone Bad"

Jersey Shore Style Using these five stations, and scaling each as needed.  Do five rounds of one minute at each station keeping track or reps and calories burned on the rower.  Total your score at the end of the workout. Jumping pullups or ring rows Dumbell...

Holiday Open House

Don’t miss this one.  Saturday, December 9th will be the day. Bring the kids, friends, whoever.  There will be food, beverages and music for everyone( no sissy music). We will get started at 4pm and who knows when it will end.  I suppose when the...

Monday's Group Training

Today’s circuit consisted of a nine station circuit, four rounds with varied rest periods each round.  We did four rounds with a minute rest between rounds. round 1: 30 seconds work/30 seconds restround 2: 30/25round 3: 30/20round 4: 30/15 Thrusters or wall...

Friday's Furious Five

Do these five for 25 seconds with a 10 seconds between each one.  Do five rounds with a 1:30 recovery. Thrusters or wallball Jumping pullups Kb swings pushups sandbag clean/squats or medball clean/squats Make sure to drop down into a full squat on the...

The Killer B's

Bells, bands, bags, balls and body weight. Band pull up or jumping pull up KB racked step up Mtn. climbers push ups walking lunge Evil wheel sandbag clean/squat band military press med ball ab/toss round 1: 30 seconds work/30 seconds restround 2: 30 work/25 restround...

Wendnesday Training

Today’s workout.  Row, row, row your boat. 5x 500m  row with 2 minutes rest between intervals.  Try for negative splits each time.

Try This One

Using five exercises that flow good with each other in circuit fashion, do five rounds of 20 seconds on/10 seconds off (Tabata Protocol) with a minute break between circuits.  I like these five when put together: Hand to hand kb swings Slam Ball Sandbag cleans...