Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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Happy Monday!

After the long holiday weekend, it’s time to get after it!  Here’s today’s workout: Couplets of 30 seconds, 15 seconds between, 4 rounds with one minute recovery. Pull ups or ring rows DL or swings sandbag cleans push press plank step ups...

Wendnesday Training

This was a fun, metabolic training session. 800 m row 20 air squats 20 push ups 20 jumping pull ups 20 sit ups 600 m row 16 air squats 16 push ups 16 jumping pull ups 16 sit ups 400 m row 12 air squats 12 push ups 12 jumping pull ups 12 sit ups 200 m row 8 air squats...

Homemade Sandbag

Get some old truck tire tubes, they’re free.  I went over to some underground tire garage in Asbury Park, NJ and loaded up. One tube=two sandbags, cut them in half.  Be prepared for the stink, they smell like rancid fish.  That’s OK, you will be sealing...

Thanksgiving Workout

Come join us for the Thanksgiving workout.  JIm will be leading the troops at 8 am in one of his famous beatings.  Don’t miss this opportunity.

Saturday's Training

Jim’s Circuit looks like this today. Pull ups or ring rows H2H swings or kb snatch Slamball kb static squat hold rower band shoulder press burpees ring pushup/pushup kb clean/squat/press

Todays Group Circuit

Here it is: Step ups/racked step ups w/ weight push ups swings/or DL plank power rope(bull whip) walking lunge ring row/jumping pull ups back extension

Clapping Pullups

Just messing around the other day, I wanted to see if I could do these.  Click here to watch the video

Wenesday Training Tip

Jumping pullups are an incredible metabolic exercise that can be performed on rings, a rope or a bar.  Unlike conventional pullups, they are performed with an explosive jump off the floor followed by a strong pull at the top of the motion.  They work very...

Metabolic Monday

Todays group training: 30 second couplets w/15 seconds between, four rounds with 1 minute between rounds. DL/swings/or santches ring rows/jumping pullups/pullups pushups sandbag front squat/or clean squat burpees/mtn. climbers/or plank kettlebell highpull rower or...

Friday's Frenzy

Challenge yourself and get results!  Today’s group session looks like this:  Set up in couplets of 30 seconds w/ 5 seconds between each exercise and 30 second between each couplet.  We did three rounds total, with a minute between each round....