Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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Wenesday Training Tip

The Double Kettlebell Swing At CrossFit Jersey Shore, one of our staple exercises is the kettlebell swing.  We believe there is nothing better then the swing for strengthening the posterior chain while getting your heart rate cranked up.  The swing is what...

Tuesdays Training

Sorry! I was away for the weekend and didn’t bring my laptop w/ me and therefore was not able to update.  I did manage to get to CrossFit Boston for a workout.  Here’s today’s beating. 400 m row40 kb snatches40 burbees400 m row30 kb...

It's Friday!

It was a nice group today!  We did five rounds of these six with work/rest of: 30/30, 30/25, 30/20, 30/15, 20/10 Elbows to knees Jumping pullups Push press Kb swings or snatches Kb or Sb high pulls Here’s a picture of Jim looking...


Today’s group training consisted of these five. Kb Swings Sandbag cleans Wall Ball Hanging elbows to knees Power rope chops Do four rounds of: 30 on 30 off 30 on 20 off 30 on 15 off 20 on 10 off

WednesdayTraining Tip

The Tactical Lunge is a great drill that can be executed anywhere.  It is best done with a kettlebell due to the nature of the exercise that requires a handle for passing under the leg. Grab a medium size kettlebell, start by standing straight up with good...

Beginning A New Year

Today is the first day of our  annual, 12 week weight loss challange!  We will be giving away 10 sessions to the first place male and female.  To make it fair we will be going by percentage of weight lost, and not total weight.  Good luck to all!...

Happy New Year

Go for a nice 5k run or walk today.  Get outside and enjoy the nice weather! Happy New Year!!!

Saturday Group Training

Today’s Circuit Thrusters Jumping pullups Sandbag squat/cleans Band presses Mtn. Climbers Kb swings Situps Push ups Box Jump or Stepups Four rounds work/rest of 30/30, 30/25, 30/20, 30/15


Get ready for "The Challange".  It begins on January 2nd. Today’s Circuit: Four rounds work/rest= 30/30, 30/25, 30/20, 30/15 Box Jumps Push press Kb burpee Rower 1min L sit KB swing Back extension...

Wendnesday Training

CrossFit Warm up:  3 rounds of Samson stretch 10 OHS 10 pushups 10 situps 10 back extensions The WOD: 5 rounds for time of Row:200m or bike 1min Thrusters or Wall ball 20 Jumping pullups 20 Kb swing/snatch 20 Sit up 20 The Finisher: Hold each of these for 1 min....