Stationary 20-10 is a Training Room favorite.

We have a classic Training Room stationary 20-10 conditioning session for you on Friday!

Speakling of Friday, Beers and Bells Summer Series kicks off Firday night around 6:30 PM with an old school Training Room Courtyard Happy Hour directly after.

It’s only a 5 minute set for Beers and Bells, so the happy hour will be much longer.

On Memorial Day, there will ONLY be one session at 8 AM in both the Manasquan and Avon location (at the gym, not the beach).

Here is your Friday Conditioning

20/10 X 8 sets at each station.

There will be 1:10 rest between each 4 minute station.

STATIONARY 20-10 Conditioning

  1. Row
  2. Kettlebell or dumbbell push-press
  3. Bike
  4. Bulgarian Bag, or Ab choice
  5. Ski
  6. Swing / squat combo( alternate between the 2)

Total time is 28:50

Let’s have a great weekend!