Strength Couplets with a Finisher!

We’ve got Thursday’s fun with a much needed strength couplets..with a bonus finisher at the end.

Otherwise known as “super sets”.

This style of training is extremely effective and time efficient!

Who the heck has time for 2 hours at the gym? NO NEED!

We hope you enjoyed yesterday’s challenge…

Here are your strength couplets and finisher for Thursday!

Work for thirty seconds, rest for thirty seconds and complete 5 rounds of each couplet before moving on to the next one.

Strength couplet 1: 5 rounds 

  • Swings or deads (any kind)
  • Push-ups or dips (you can also do these assisted)

Strength couplet 2: 5 rounds 

Finisher: Let’s finish strong! 

Work for 1 minute and rest for thirty seconds and complete 1 rounds of the following…

  • Row
  • Crawl or plank
  • Sled or lunge
  • Ski
  • Step-ups or jump rope

Have a fantastic Thursday!

Here’s the “face the wall” squat progression!

These will humble you!