Man or Woman Makers with Options!

Wednesday is for Man or Woman makers at The Training Room.

Why wouldn’t it be?

Tuesday was a conditioning day, so Wednesday we get our strength on.

There will be 3 different options of man or woman makers to choose from.

Pick your option and let it rip!

Option 1 – use kettebells or dumbells and go heavier for a strength focus.

Man Maker 5-6 Sets of 5 Reps for STRENGTH focus.

Here’s a DEMO

This is BEST done while alternating sets with a partner.

One partner works while the other recovers.


  • Push Up – Row R
  • Push Up – Row L
  • Clean / Squat/ Press
Option 2

For those of you who want a more cardio…

25 Minute AMRAP!

Man makers PLUS 250 Cardio after each set of 5 reps!

Cardio choices:

  • row 250
  • bike 500
  • ski 250
  • run around the building (both gyms)
Option 3

30/20 x 6 rounds as a circuit

  • Push-up
  • 1 arm row
  • 1arm clean
  • 1 arm squat press
  • Cardio choice

Let us know which one you did and how you liked it!

Have an amzing Wednesday!

Here’s a strength couplet workout video ir you’re stuck at home and need sometning to do.