Heavier Supersets for Strength
Let’s do heavier supersets for strength on Thursday at The Training Room!
The perfect follow up to Wednesday’s conditioning session.
Start with moderate weight and ramp it up with each set.
Don’t go to muscle failure during these workouts…
Use the 2 rep rule and ALWAYS leave 2 reps in the tank.
This will allow you to use nice clean form and NOT get sloppy.
Sloppyness can lead to injury.
Manasquan Inlet TUG is Saturday!
Hopefully the weather will hold up for us.
Here’s the link to donate to Make a Wish Foundation under Team Training Room.
We are only $50 away from our goal!
Here are your supersets for strength!
30 seconds of work / 30 seconds of rest x 5 sets of each
Superset 1
- Chest press (inlcudes bench or floor press)
- Heavy swings or dead’s
Superset 2
- Sled push/pull or lunge/walk lunge
- Pull-ups BW, band, or assisted
Finisher Superset: 30/15x 6
- Cardio
- Abs
Have a great Thursday!
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