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"The Kettlebell Meltdown 300" Do this for time! 25 v-ups50 snatches 25r/25l25 pushups50 swings (2 handed)50 burpees50 clean and press 25r/25/l50 mountain climbers Men will use a 16, or 24 kg kettlebell, women will use an 8, 12, or 16kg ...

Kettlebell Countdown

10/10,8/8,6/6,4/4,2/2 reps of: Kettlebell Snach L/R Kettlebell Push Press L/R 1 arm row L/R Tactical lunge L/R, reverse lunge/or pistol L/R (assisted, with or with out a kettlebell) Walkouts or sit ups Progress from assisted pistol with straps (try out the Jungle...


10/10,8/8,6/6,4/4,2/2 reps of: Kettlebell Snach L/R Kettlebell Push Press L/R 1 arm row L/R Tactical lunge L/R, reverse lunge/or pistol L/R (assited, with or with out a kettlebell) Walkouts or sit ups Try to increase the weight as you get to the lower reps. ...


6 rounds of non-stop fun!!! 20 seconds of work/10 seconds rest non-stop for 6 rounds (Gym Boss Timer): Jumping pull ups Kettlebell snatch Burpee Double kettlebell clean or high pull Mountain climbers or bicycles **Attention** if you want in on our Kettlebell Meltdown...

Bells, Balls and The Boss

Today’s Kettlebell Workout called for 1 kettlebell and a D-ball. The Gym Boss timer was used to hold me accountable: work/rest intervals of 20/20 for 5 rounds of non-stop action. Kettlebell snatch (right) Kettlebell snatch (left) 30 lb D-ball slam Burpee(with a...


Power Triplets 5 rounds of 20w/20rest at each station using the Gym Boss. Complete all 5 rounds before moving on. There will be a one minute rest between each station completed. Pull ups/swings/shoulder press 1 arm clean and squat (right) / one arm clean and squat...


Get as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: Double kettlebell front squats/5 Double kettlebell push press/ 5 Ring pull ups/5 Burpees/10 Are you ready for "The Kettlebell Meltdown?"


“Jim’s Saturday Madness”Five rounds on the Gymboss Timer: 60/30, 50/25, 40/20, 30/15Pull ups/ring rowsBox lunge L/RPlank Kettlebell swings L/RKettlebell push press L/RSquat hold with weightBicycles or mountain climbersSwitch from pull ups to ring...


"Up and Down the River of Pain" Squat thrusts (burpees w/ no push ups or jump) Kettlebell snatch or swing Sit ups Air squats Mountain climbers Rower (cals) or Jumping pull ups You have 2 choices in reps: 4 rounds Level 1: 10/20/30/20/10 Level 2:...