Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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6 rounds non-stop 20 work/20 rest: Use the Gym Boss. pull ups or ring rows kettlebell clean/squat or front squat push ups or power push up low back extension w/weight db shoulder press double kettlebell clean or kettlebell high pull slide board knee up or hanging knee...


Get through as quickly as possible row 600, 500, 400, 300 box jump 20,16,12,8 kb swings 20,16,12,8 jumping pull ups 20,16,12,8 burpees 20,16,12,8 Do 600 meters on the rower followed by 20 of each, then 500 meters followed by 16 reps of each, etc..etc..etc… Happy...


Cleanse yourself with this one: 3 rounds: 60/30, 50/25, 40/20 on the Gym boss. 1 arm swings L/R Plank Squat hold w/weight 1 arn row sit up and reach 1 kettlebell clean/squat 1 kettlebell push press bicycles/mountain...


Power Triplets: 5 rounds 20/20/20, at each triplet with 1minute rest between. swings/push ups/sit up or sit and reach Front squat/pull ups/reverse crunch Low back/shoulder press/evil wheel Perform each exercise for 20 seconds with a 20 second rest between.  Do 5...


Do five rounds for time of: Pull ups: 5 Heavy D-ball shouldering: 5R/5L Sit ups: 15 Kb swings or snatches: 10R/10L Double unders: 30 *****There will be NO afternoon classes tomorrow, 12/24/07.  *****There WILL be a 6am and a 9am class tomorrow, 12/24/07 Jersey...


Getting it done before the Holidays! Jim is formulating the "master plan"


6 rounds of 20/10 Jumping pull ups med ball thrusters kettlebell high pulls slam ball kettlebell swings burpees!!!! We’ll take 1:10 rest between each round. I’d say Pete is finished!


4 rounds on the Gymboss Timer: 60/30, 50/25,40/20, 30/15 ring rows/push ups swings L/R Weighted plank D-ball clean/press Walking lunges Knee ups/sit up On the couplet stations, split the time up between exercises.  On the single exercise stations, execute the...


"Partners in Pain" 200 jumping pull ups 200 air squats 200 push ups 200 m row 200 burpees 200 kettlebell snatches The Rules only one partner goes at a time no more then 10 reps can be performed at a time all reps must be perfect or they do not count! what...


6 rounds of 20 seconds work/20 seconds rest on the Gymboss Timer Pull ups double kettlebell squat evil wheel double kettlebell clean push press or jerk low back extension Blast through 6 rounds continuously!! Check out part one of HIIT Workshop...