Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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Old school 80’s WOD:  Crank up the mega mix and let it rip. I figured we’d go old school today. I couldn’t believe the burn and the pump I got from this one!! Heavy kettlebell concentration curls, supersetted with kettlebell lateral raises...

Monday Night

Due to an insanely busy day, and a computer virus here is the delayed WOD. 5 rounds for time of: 500 meter row/ run/ 0.6 mile bike/ 2 minute jump rope (take your pick)40 air squats30 sit ups20 kb swings10 burpees This workout took between 28-40 minutes. Super heroes...


We’re heading up to Edison, NJ today to visit Zack at The Underground Strength Coach Gym.  Zack is hosting the Natural Training Workshop with Jonny Hinds From Monkey Bar Gym.  This should be an interesting day to say the least.  I’ll do a...


Today’s group training Go here to sign up for our upcoming workshop.  This will be a rare event not to miss!

Happy Friday!

Warm up with three rounds of 10 PVC OHS10 push ups10 sit ups5 pull up or band pull up10 back hyperextension 23 minute circuit 20 seconds work/20 seconds rest non stop for 5 rounds Ring rowsdb thrusterskb swingspush upssit ups or  med ball sit and reachkb...


Rehab!!! Four years ago, Alex, AKA "Candy Man" was involved in a horrific automobile accident which left him in a coma for 4 months. As a result of this accident, he was left with too many injuries to list including, broken bones, dislocations and permanent...

Happy Holloween!!

Come and get some treats today!!!! Pull upskb front squatPush upBack hyperextensionKb push pressElbows to Knees Rounds 1 and 2:  30 work/30 restRounds 3 and 4:  25 work/ 25 rest (increase weight)Rounds 5 and 6:  20 work/ 20 rest (increase weight) Philly...


Mixing up kettlebells and body weight Warm up:  30 seconds work/30 seconds rest circuit style Then stay at each station for 6 rounds of 20 seconds work/10 rest taking 1 minute rest between stations. Box jumpSnatchesSlam ballKb high pullBurpeesJumping pull...


Go down the ladder! 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Snatches R/LPush press R/L1 arm row R/LClean/squatHanging knee raise Got abs??!!!!


Happy Sunday!! Did you see our events page lately?  Go here, you won’t believe what we’ve got coming up!Hard work does pay off!! Go here and see who’s featured today. Do this: 2 rounds of Kettlebell and bodyweight madness!! 10 snatches r/l20...