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Friday Update

Todays Tabata Couplets Today’s class did a seven station couplet workout.  Seven stations with two drills at each station.  We alternated between the two drills for 20 second of work and 10 seconds of rest for a total of four rounds (8...


Rest Day. Get some tomorrow!! Subscribe to the CrossFit Jersey Shore newsletter Joe’s BJJ class is in session            


"The CrossFit Total"(Free Download) 1 rep max back Squat 1 rep max  military press 1 rep max dead lift Subscribe to the CrossFit Jersey Shore newsletter


Today’s training We did a circuit this morning, 4 rounds of: 35s work/30s rest 30/25 25/20 20/15 Of:Dumbell thrustersHanging knees to elbowsKettlebell high pull/snatch pullSlam ballRowerBurpeesSit upsRing rows Sand bag step ups ***There will be a 4 and a 5pm...


CrossFit WOD "Elizabeth" 21-15-9 reps of: Clean 135 pounds Ring dips Scale as needed.  If you can’t do ring dips, do bar dips or jumping dips.  Cleans can be done with a Woody Bag, kettlebells or dumbells. Have fun!!! Subscribe to the...


Rest day. We begin our first day of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo classes today! Go here for more info. Looks like fun, right? Subscribe to the CrossFit Jersey Shore newsletter


Happy Easter! Deadlift 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Subscribe to the CrossFit Jersey Shore newsletter


Today’s training For 15 minutes do as many rounds as you can of: 5 kettlebell front squats5 handstand pushups or 5 kettlebell presses. Subscribe to the CrossFit Jersey Shore newsletter Nice sweat angel, the top part resembles a...


Today’s workout: 6 rounds 30/30, 30/25, 25/20, 20/15, 2×20/10 Jumping pullups kb swings renegade rows slam ball sandbag clean/press situp ring row snatch pull or high pull Subscribe to the CrossFit Jersey Shore...


Rest Day!!!Happy 30th Birthday Shep!!!!! Matt Shepherd celebrated his 30th birthday with some Tabata Torture. Subscribe to the CrossFit Jersey Shore newsletter