Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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"Murph" For time: 1 mile Run 100 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 300 Squats 1 mile Run Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear...


10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1  Reps of Kb snatchesPush upsKb clean/squatPull up or 1 arm rowBurpees For Time!! Shep’s back!!


Go out and enjoy the weather!! Run a 5k Try this Jersey Shore classic.  It’s called "up the river down the river" Set up 4 sets of kettlebells and go from lighter to heavier, completing these exercises at each weight: Dead lift 5Clean 5Jerk 5Front...


Happy Monday!!! Today’s  training: Body weight blaster 3 rounds of: 1:00/30, 45/25, 30/20  work/rest Squat holdsjump ropeair squatskb overhead walksrowerevil wheel barrow walksjumping jackslog jumps Shep, where are...


Backyard madness!!! Do as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: kettlebell clean and jerk 5r/5lpullups 5 or ring rows 10kettlebell snatches 5r/5lBurpees!!! 10


Rest Day! Jim will be teaching the 8 am class today. Enjoy the rest of your day! Go to the beach! Subscribe to the CrossFit Jersey Shore newsletter


The 6 am session looked like this: As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 250 m row5 pull ups5r/5l snatches or 10 swings10 push ups10 med ball cleans5 elbows to knees or 10 sit ups


Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes of: 400 meter run or rowKettlebell snatches: 5r/5lPull ups: 5 Subscribe to the CrossFit Jersey Shore newsletter


Sorry for the late post.  We did this at 6am and 9 am. 20/20/20 work/rest/work of these couplets for 4 rounds Double kb squatpull ups Double kb cleansSee saw presses Double kb swingsRenegade rows Slam ballHyperextension Tactical lungePush up This is what was left...


Rest Day.  Gone surfing!!! Stay cool today!!!  It’s brutal outside!! It’s a good day for homemade fitness equipment.  Here’s a shot at our homemade tire sled for dragging.  Thanks to Len for hooking us up with some water ski lines...