Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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Four rounds 30work/30rest, 30/25, 30/20, 30/15 Shoulder pressPull up or rope climbKb or sandbag front squatBack hypersslam ballkb swingpush upsring rowsplank Learn how to run more efficiently.  Sign up HERE!


"The Filthy Fifty " Scale down with forty or thirty of: Box jumps or air squatsJumping pull upskb swings or dl’sPush pressWalking lungesit upCalories on rower or air dyneWall ball or slam ballBurpees Go through one for time!! Go HERE to sign up for our...


20 seconds work/ 20 seconds rest/20 seconds work for 4 rounds at each couplet. Ring row or pull up/ Push ups or ring push upsKb swings/squats kb clean and press L/R Air Dyne Bike/rower Elbows to knees/sit ups Go Deb!!!!!!!!!


Today’s Training 800m row40 squats30 jumping pull ups20 kb swings10 burpees 3 rounds for time!!!

Monday Morning Madness

Happy October!!!! Do 4 rounds of: Kb clean/press L/RPlank/evil wheel or Power wheel walks(do for 1 minute)Sandbag clean/squat(do for 1 minute)sit ups (do for 1 minute)Kb snatch L/RReverse crunch/sit and reach Do 30 work/30 work/30 rest were applicable Happy birthday...


5×5 of these three: DeadliftWeighted pull upKettlebell bottom-up press Help speed up recovery time and reduce soreness with Night Time Recovery.  Get yours here!

Saturday Group Training

4 round circuit: 30/25, 30/20, 25/20, 20/10 Clean/squatpush upsit upskb snatchpower ropeswingspush pressmtn. climbersband rows Donate to Athletes for a Cure, fight against prostate cancer.  Good luck to all of those participating in the Fight Gone Bad fund raiser...


10 kb swings10 push ups10 snatches (5l/5r) or 10 snatch pulls10 burpees or 20 jumping jacks Do this workout for 20 minutes starting each round on the 2 minute mark.  For example, if you get through all four exercises in 1:30, you will have 30 seconds to...


10 Burpees20 sit ups30 Air squats40 Rope skips forward/40 back ward or 20 double unders or 400 meter row Get as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes! Gary!!!!!!!!


20/20/20×5 5 rounds at each station 20 seconds work/20 seconds rest between each couplet.  Pull upsSand bag front squats Slam ballpush ups clean and presshigh pull back extensionsit ups Tire flipkb swing