Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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20 work/20 rest/20 work x 5rounds Box lunge or lunge with weight R/L1 arm kb row R/L1 kb clean/press R/L1 arm swings or snatches R/LReverse crunch/med ball sit up Do 20 seconds of work on the right side, rest for 20 seconds, do 20 seconds of work on the left. Another...


Rest day! Get ready to get back to work tomorrow! There are a few things going on this fall that you won’t want to miss. We will be hosting a Running  Biomechanincs Seminar next month.  Coach GP will be speading his infinate wisdom on how to run...


Good Morning!! Today’s workout is a three rounds.  Work rest intervals are 40/25, 30/20, and 20/15. The Gymboss Timer works great for this type of workout.  Get yours here! Band rowskb front squatmtn. climbersrowerpush upswingsslamballbikeshoulder...


Reverse Ladders Start at 12 reps and go down to 1 rep on each exercise  When doing lunges and snatches do the appropriate amount of reps on each side. Storm through it! Lunges(hold a sand bag)push ups or ring push upskb snatchespull ups or 1 arm rowssit...


"Murph" For time! 1 mile run100 pull ups200 push ups300 squats1 mile run


3 rounds: Using the Gymboss Timer 60 sec work/25 sec rest, 50/20, 40/15 Body weight rowsPush ups Jump rope 1 arm swings R/L Rower 1 arm kb clean/press R/L Airdyne bike Burpees Prowler push Go here to sign up for our Running Biomechanics Workshop Hammer it...

Tuesdays Training

Density Strength Set up four different couplets and do as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes at each.  When doing this workout stay in the 5 rep range or less going back and forth between each exercise in each couplet. Here are the couplets: Kb front squats/kb...


Today’s Training 30 swings, 30 pushups, 30 snatches, 30 burpees, 30 cals on rower 20 swings, 20 pushups, 20 snatches, 20 burpees, 20 cals on rower 10 swings, 10 push ups, 10 snatches, 10 burpees, 10 cals on rower For Time!! Go Jim!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s our...


"JT" 21-15-9 reps of: Handstand push-upsRing dips Push-ups

A Foggy Saturday Morning

A little fog has settled down on the courtyard of crush this morning and the bells are a bit damp.  CHALK UP FOLKS!!!! Jo’s in charge this morning!!  Here’s the menu: