Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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Vacation Workout Ideas

There’s nothing like training on the beach!Here’s an option for when you’re on vacation.Pack a cheap sand bag fill it up to desired weight and go through a few simple movements.This bag has about 50 lbs of sand in it.Put the sand back on the beach...

Team 12,000 meters

Team up with 3-4Row 12,000 meters as a team AFAP.Do no more than 500 meters at a time.

Team 12,000 meters

Team up with 3-4 Row 12,000 meters as a team AFAP.Do no more than 500 meters at a time

Kettlebell Strength Ladder

Go from 10 reps down to one on each sideDo this circuit style Kettlebell snatches R/L Kettlebell cleans R/L Kettlebell Jerks R/L  Go heavyUse good technique  

One Kettlebell and Body Weight Fat Blaster!

Do 6 rounds for timeUse one kettlebell and good technique! 5/5 kettlebell snatches 10 half burpees  5/5 kettlebell swings  10 mountain climbers  5/5 kettlebell push presses  10 drop squats  5/5 kettlebell one arm rows  10...

Bulldog Jerks

5 rounder 5/5 jerks (40 kg bell) 10 pull ups  10 Box Jumps  Join The Milkman and I tonight at O'Neils in ManasquanWe'll be guest bartending and plan on packing the place!    

Strength and Power at The Jersey Shore

Four Round CircuitGo heavy!1 minute work/ 30 seconds rest Power Wheel Walkouts kettlebell Alternate arm clean and press Walking lunge  Renegade rows  Hand to hand swings  Check our the results of the Warrior Challenge. It's not in any...

Jersey Shore Conditioning Circuit

Four Rounds of Interval Training Round 1: 30/25 Round 2: 30/20  Round 3: 25/15  Round 4: 20/10  Circuit  Jumping pull ups Mountain Climbers  Air Dyne sprints  Half burpees  Kettlebell swings   V-sits ...

Partner Strength Couplets

Do 5 sets of 5 of alternating with a partner each movmement at each coupletComplete all sets of a couplet before moving on to the next oneCouplet 1  double kettlebell snatches double kettlebell front squats Couplet 2 Barbell, dumbell or kettlebell press pull ups...