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Burning Fat at the Jersey Shore

40 seconds of work/20 seconds of rest for 5 rounds1:20 rest between rounds  Wall ball Kettlebell high pull Rower Barbell or dumbell thrusters Box jump or drop squats  Are you ready for the "Warrior Challenge"Join us on the beach this...

Kettlebell Strength

10 sets of 10 with one kettlebell Snatches 5/5 or Cleans 5/5 Push press 5/5 or 10 push ups Split squats 5/5  One arm row 5/5, 10 pull ups or 10 ring rows   V-sits 10  Check out Part 2 of the Beach Pull up bar...

Partner Conditioning Relays

We're doing 8 minute relays of the following with four-person teams.If you don't have a group of 4 use 3. 25 yard shuttle run 100 meter sprints on the rower  5 Burpees  40 yard Prowler push  Get as many rounds as possible with your...

Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning

Today's workout20 seconds of work/20 seconds of rest for 6 rounds Heavy kettlebell swings (40kg) 12 reps with each round Kettlebell Jerks (28kg) 8 reps on each side  Pull ups 8 reps with each round  Prowler   Good workout!  I was I...

Bells, bands and balls

30 seconds of work30 seconds of restFor 30 minutes non-stop Douobel Kettlebell cleans Band presses  Med ball sit and reach  Double kettlebell front squat   Renegade rows  Are you ready for the Warrior Challenge this Saturday?Post comments...

Kettlebell and Body weight Strength Couplets

Do 15 seconds of work with 15 seconds of rest for 10 minutes at each stationUse the GymBoss to keep the time.Couplet 1 kettlebell front squats V-sits or variations of  Couplet 2 Ring rows or pullups  Push ups or ring push ups  Couplet 3 Snatches...

Classic Jersey Shore Conditioning Circuit

Four Rounds of Jersey Shore ConditioningRounds of work/rest on the GymBoss: 30/25 30/20 25/15  20/10  The Circuit Jumping pull ups  D-ball thrusters  Mountain climbers  Kettlebell swings   Burpees  Kettlebell high...

Partner Strength Ladders

Go from 10 reps to 1 rep with a partner on all the following movmentsGo heavy! Complete all rounds of one exercise before moving on to the next.You go then your partner goes. Double kettlebell snatch or swing Push up, Power Push, or ring dips  Double kettlebell...

15 Minute Kettlebell Density Workout (video)

For 15 minutesGet as many rounds as possible of: 5 kettlebell front squats 5 pull ups  5 double kettlebell jerks  Keep track of rounds and reps here.  Next time you do this workout, aim higher.I did this with 2/24’s today and got 10 roundsTotal of...

Body Weight Conditioning Fat Blaster!

Minimal equipment crusher40 seconds of work/20 seconds of rest for 5 roundsTake 1:30 rest between rounds Rower Bear crawls or crab crawl Shuttle run   kettlebell clean/squat  Burp(half burpee)   Check out the video breakdown here.If...