Welcome to the Training Room’s Workouts Page.  This page will give you access to about 4,000 workouts we have been posting since 2006, giving you a seamlessly never-ending inventory of workouts you can use in your own life at home, when traveling, during the holidays, and more to keep your endurance high, and keeping you in shape wherever you are!  Take a look at the Training Room live workouts.  There are pages and pages of them for you to choose from.  Have a great workout!

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30 on 30 off 30 minutes

Do this for 30 minutes: 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest continuously for 30 minutes: Double kettlebell clean/squat/press Pull ups Sit ups It doesn't look like much, but this will eventually catch up to you! To all of our loyal readers For those of you who are...

Try this out for size!

20,16,12,8,4 reps 1 handed Kettlebell swings Slamball Kettlebell snatch Row Ladder down on the rower 500,400,300,200,100 meters If you dont own a rower, do double unders for 50,40,30,20,10

Something a Little Different

Ladder Time!You go, then I go.Get a partner and let it rip.Alternate between partners on the C2 rower doing. 100 meters 200 meters 300 meters 400 meters 500 meters 400 meters 300 meters 200 meters 100 meters Keep your pace consistent.  Do not blow it out...

V O 2 the Max

One Kettlebell, a Gymboss Timer and some pink sidewalk chalk! In an attempt to maintain my snatch practice and possibly get my SSST numbers up, I've been hitting some Vo2 Max Snatch protocol on Tuesdays with a variety Metcon session on Thursdays. This is all in...

Kettlebell Strength Day

Four Round Strength Circuit Intervals are: (GymBoss Timer) 30w/30w/30r 25w/25w/25r 20w/20w/20r 15w/15w.15r Movements: Kettlebell walking lunge Renegade row Get ups R/L Kettlebell swings R/L Kettlebell push press R/L...

Happy Monday's

Get busy!Metcon Triplets20 seconds work/20 seconds work/20 seconds workDo each movement for 20 seconds with no rest between for three minutes straight.Then, take 1:30 rest and move on to the next tripletTripets in question: Jumping pull ups D-ball thrusters Slam ball...

Kettlebell surf workout

Kettlebell swings and stand up surf paddle workout. Check this out. Here's a workout that combines kettlebell swings and stand up paddle surfing. The posterior chain work of the swing couples well with the anterior chain work of the paddling. Both are great ground...

Swinging and Paddling

I think this was a first.As far as I know, this was a first. We don’t have too many days like this in October, so I just had to take advantage of this incredible day. I haven’t seen any other paddle surf/kettlebell workouts.  The entire workout...

Lucky Sevens

Seven reps, seven rounds, seven movements!Go through this circuit style One handed kettlebell swings 7r/7l Burpees 7 Kettlebell snatches 7r/7l Mountain climbers 7r/l Kettlebell cleans 7r/l Kettlebell thrusters 7r/7l walkouts 7r/7l Check out the latest Jersey...

Kettlebell Strength

Friday!6 rounds of 20 seconds work/ 20 seconds rest at each station. Kettlebell split squat R/L Kettlebell clean and press R/L Kettlebell one arm row or on arm ring row Hanging knee raise/med ball sit and reach (alternate between) Do six rounds, then move on to the...