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Metabolic Triplets

Do three minutes of each triplet20 seconds work at each movement with no rest for 3 minutesTake 1:30 rest after the 3 minutesHere are the stations: Kettlebell snatch right/kettlebell snatch left/mountain climb  Kettlebell high pulls/kettlebell thrusters/jumping...

Tabata Jersey Shore

6 rounds of 20 seconds work/10 seconds rest at each station6 stations Rower air squats (hold the bottom position on the 100 second rest) jumping pullups half burpees dumbell push press shuttle run Take 1 minute rest between stationsHave a great weekend!Be safe, swim...

More Jerks, Pull ups and Burpee Box Jumps

10 rounds 15 seconds work/15 seconds rest of the following kettlebell jerks left (24kg's) kettlebell jerks right pull ups burpee/box jumps (24" box) I averaged 7/7 on the jerks, 7 pull ups and 5 burpee box jumpsTotal repsJerks= 140Pull up= 70burpee box...

Kettlebell Strength Couplets

Do 8 rounds at each station15 seconds work/15 seconds rest for 8 rounds1 minute rest between each 8 round couplet Ring rows/push ups (alternate) Kettlebell split squats R/L  Double kettlebell swings/V-sits (alternate)  Pick up your kettlebell t's soon....

Kettlebell and Body Weight Conditioning

6 Rounds of kettlebell and body weight conditioning30 seconds work/15 seconds rest using the GymBoss TImer Kettlebell high pulls Half Burpees  20 yard shuttle run  Drop squats  Mountain climbers  Jump rope or jumping jacks  Post workout...

Kettlebell Strength Day

5 sets of 5 alternating with a partnerGo heavy, and rest as needed Kettlebell clean and press R/L Double kettlebell front squat  Pull ups (use weight if possible)  One leg DL's R/L  Slow ab mat sit ups  The Rowathon is set for September...

Kettlebell Strength and Conditioning

Go Heavy!Get as many rounds as you can in 25 minutes kettlebell swings 5r/5l push ups or hindu push ups 10 kettlebell cleans 5r/5l  kettlebell jerks 5r/5l  kettlebell split squat 5r/5l  pull ups 10  walkouts 10 or Power...

Primal Conditioning Day

No equipment today, just your body weight30 seconds work/15 seconds rest for 6 rounds1 minute rest between rounds Jumping pull ups Bear crawls forward/back  Low walking lunges  Crab crawl   Star jumps  Power v-ups  Here’s Steve...

Killer Kettlebell T-shirts

We have three different colors available.Green, Navy and Grey.The design is the same on all three.Sizes are Medium, Large, XL, and 2XL.  Gilden Soft Style 100 % Cotton (light weight and very comfey)Front Green, Black, WhiteGo to the PayPal link below to purchase....